The Jetstream2 Team has announced that they have reduced the Service Unit (SU) cost of A100 GPU resources effective July 1, 2024.
Going forward, all Jetstream2 A100 GPU instance flavors (g3.) will cost 2 SUs per vCPU hour, or 2 SUs per core per hour. The previous cost multiplier for these GPU flavors was 4 SUs per vCPU hour. This change cuts the cost of A100 GPU resources by 50%.
The SU cost for A100 GPU resources is now as follows:
- g3.small: 8 SUs per hour
- g3.medium: 16 SUs per hour
- g3.large: 32 SUs per hour
- g3.xl: 64 SUs per hour
Jetstream2 plans to add a new class of GPUs to their inventory of resources in the coming months. While a launch date is not available at this time, further details will be shared when possible.
Please note that this may affect how you budget your ACCESS allocation’s credits. If you wish to transfer credits away from your Jetstream2 resources, you may do so via the ACCESS allocations dashboard under the “Credits + Resources” tab.
This cost reduction encourages you to take advantage of our A100 GPUs. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at